
NaNoWriMo is ended

Well, November is over.  And I have to say, it was a great month, but I'm not sad to see it go.  

National Novel Writing Month is done, and I have a finished draft of a story (approximately 10,000 words) that will hopefully be expanded to a novel at some point.  I have written about 10,000 words of notes in addition to that draft of stuff related to the novel, between character, plot development and additional pieces that may or may not make it into the final cut.  And I've written about 5-10,000 words in my blog during November.  

While I didn't make it to 50,000, I'm happy with my progress.  I've had the kick in the pants that I needed to write and I've used this time for some much-needed self-evaluation through the process.  I'm not finished; I never will be, but thanks to November, I'm off to a great start.


kj said...

Congratulations! Keep it up!

Vicky B said...

You did more writing in this month than you have in a long time and I know it feels good. Remember that feeling and build on it. Keep writing. Keep stretching. Keep going. And congratulations on a job well done.