
Resignation of the Muse

I was speaking the other night with a friend of mine who is also an artist (musician), and we were lamenting the fact that we've both been relatively uninspired artistically lately.  This happens to every artist, but we decided that our vindictive muses must have run off somewhere....  We sure hope they're coming back, but after the "postcard" below that I received this morning, it's hard to say.  If you happen to run into them, tell them to come home:

Postcard from Rio
Dear Nean~
Jack and I have eloped.  We're sitting on the beach, drinking Mai~Tai's and laughing at the thought of you and Tristan, floundering to function without us.  We're tired of the abuse, of being expected to constantly produce perfect performances and we've had enough.  Beautiful clear blue caresses and silky silvery sand, accented with fiery forbidden fantasy ~ it's enough to keep us here forever.  Inspiring one another is far more fascinating than the unrequited inspiration we're shackled to with you.  I'd say "I wish you were here" but we both know that's not true.  Maybe you should start looking for a new muse.  I don't think I'm giving Jack back to you.



Unknown said...

psysHa! That's funny! Or is it sad?

Nean said...

Sadly, I do believe that it is a bit of both! I laugh until I cry and I cry until I laugh... :)

kj said...

Ah....but they do always return. Usually when you least expect it. After all, who in his/her right mind would want to stick around in this weather?