
Princess Cut

trauma of time
rarity of region
strength of surrender
carat, color, cut, clarity

defects affect assets
hardness heightens worth
multi-layered facets
signify phases of growth

extraction of treasure
means finding the weakness
the skilled cutters pleasure
designing uniqueness

hammered and scraped
fragility sliced
polished and shaped
by one of greater price

distress is the duty
love is the loyalty 
refining the beauty
reflecting our royalty


Jason Kichline said...

I was curious about why you were learning so much about diamonds and now I see why! I'm still working on unraveling the meaning of the poem, but I think I get it. Very cool! If there wasn't meaning to be had and you were just writing a poem about diamonds, well... I got the meaning anyway! I would love to know the impetus behind this one.

Nean said...

All you gotta do is ask...

So... this poem is about the painful process of being refined into something of beauty. I feel frequently like I have so many rough edges, and I'm not that special. But the Stone Cutter -- as (S)He reminded me last night -- is busy working to make me into something of value and of worth far beyond what I can imagine. And the reminder that it is through pain and pressure that we are changed into that priceless treasure... well, this is what happens to me when I fall asleep with whispered words of wonder from (S)He Whom I worship. And, of course, the fact that I am a child of the High King of Heaven brings in the Princess/Royalty imagery (but that may someday turn into a blog entry of it's own...).

Enough explanation for ya?

Jason Kichline said...

Good, then I unraveled it correctly! That's awesome, and I can't agree more. It's a refining process. I especially love how the "miner" or "cutter" uses the stone's own weakness to extract and cut it... making it beautiful according to it's own uniqueness. Very cool imagery!